Curator’s guided tour of the open-air exhibition dedicated to the victims of the so-called Grossaktion | Halina Postek

The green by Grzybowski Sq.

Free admission

Supporting event organized by Warsaw Ghetto Museum

Exhibition closing: “Alef Bet” – 44 posters of teachers and students of the Faculty of Graphic Art of Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts

Curators: Anna Wieluńska, Maria Pakier

Coordinator: Lech Majewski

PROM Gallery, Prom Kultury Saska Kępa, 23 Brukselska Street

Free admission

Supporting event organized by the Graphic Art Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Tour guide around the Museum of Polish Vodka

Polish Vodka Museum, Praga Koneser Center, 1 Konesera Square

Tickets at a special price will be offered to the Festival’s guests (discounted price of 43 PLN instead of the standard 49 PLN) who will say “Festiwal Singera” (“Singer Festival”) in the Museum’s box office.

Supporting event organized by Polska Wódka Association/ Polish Vodka Museum

“What to eat it with” – a guided tour around the temporary exhibition

Museum of the History of the Polish Jews POLIN, 6 Anielewicza St.

Admission charge: standard ticket 30 PLN, discounted ticket: 25 PLN

Supporting event organized by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN


Presentation of Izaak Celnikier’s works – hosted by: Zuzanna Benesz-Goldfinger

The Jewish History Institute, 3/5 Tłomackie (the space on the ground floor of the Blue Tower)

Free admission

Supporting event organized by the Jewish Historical Institute

Photography exhibition opening: “Shmor-Zkhor” | Faculty of Media Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw & Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts in Tel Aviv – Hila Yaniv

Curator: Professor Włodzimierz Szymański

An exhibition presenting the works by students and teachers of the Faculty of Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw: Olga Dyjak, Basia Pazio, Ola Sołtysiak, Julia Adamska, Natalia Truszczyńska, Julia Podborączyńska, Joanna Bury, Karo Zacharski, Zuzanna Białecka, Dorota Kozieradzka, Professor Włodzimierz Szymański, Klaudia Kiercz-Długołęcka as well as students and teachers of the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts w Tel Avivie – Hila Yaniv: Noam Zaafrani, Noa Zevadi, Deborah Gershon, Yuval Naor, Lital Cohen, Reut Gaist


Spokojna Gallery, 15 Spokojna St.

The exhibition will be open: from 27 August until 3 September 2022, from: 15.00 – 19.00

Supporting event organized by Ryszard Winiarski Institute of Media Art in Warsaw

Curator’s guided tour of the open-air exhibition  “City of the Living/City of the Dead” | Robert Wilczyński, Wiesława Młynarczyk

“City of the Living/City of the Dead” is a photographic project by Robert Wilczynski combining archival photographs from the ghetto with the images of today’s Warsaw.


Fence of the former Bersohns’ and Baumans’ hospital,  51 Śliska Street / 60 Sienna Street.

Free admission

Supporting event organized by Warsaw Ghetto Museum

Photography exhibition opening: “Hideouts. Architecture of survival / Case study Będzin” by Natalia Romik

Curator: Aleksandra Janus


Austrian Cultural Forum, 7/9 Próżna St.

Free admission, exhibition will be opened: 26 August – 11 September 2022

This event will be broadcast online by the Austrian Cultural Forum and Singer’s Warsaw Festival on their Facebook pages

Supporting event organized by the Austrian Cultural Center

Photography exhibition opening: “The Theater, That’s Me. Lech Majewski – Theater Posters”

Curator: Artur Wolski


SoA – Station of Art Gallery, at 12/14 Grzybowska St.

Exhibition open until 3 September 2022, Mon through Friday, 12:00-18:00,  Sat. 12:00-17:00, free admission

Supporting event organized by Station of Art Gallery

Photography exhibition opening: “Alef Bet” – 44 posters of teachers and students of the Faculty of Graphic Art of Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts

Each work is dedicated to one letter of the Hebrew alphabet bringing closer the history and hidden meaning of the Hebrew characters.

Curators: Anna Wieluńska, Maria Pakier

Coordinated by: Lech Majewski


PROM GALLERY – Prom Kultury Saska Kępa, 23 Brukselska St.

Exhibition open until 4 September 2022, 12:00-19:00, free admission

Supporting event organized by the Graphic Art Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
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