Music walk around Warsaw’s streets that are gone, accompanied by violin, accordion, and percussion instruments

Live music by: Mirosław Kuźniak, Marcin Mariszek and Kamil Siciak

Walk route: Dom Bez Kantów, 11 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. >>>  Traugutta St. à  Kredytowa St. >>> Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego Square >>> Próżna St. >>> Grzybowski Sq.

Free entry upon confirmation between 3 and 19 August in the Festival Office at 35 Senatorska St., phone: + 48 578 550 797, +48 576 044 547; number of participants is limited

Co-organized by the Association MY


00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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