Move On Together Israeli Way – israeli movement techniques workshops: The Feldenkrais Method – run by: Marta Górna-Wiszniewska |PL|

Feldenkrais is for everyone who wants to move easily and continuously learn. This method does not depend on age or condition. The class is a safe place where we do not copy each other, judge ourselves or compare ourselves with others. It’s time to focus on what’s inside, what feels good for us. Moshe Feldenkrais, who developed this method, was a physicist and judo master. He used his techniques first to heal his own injuries and then applied them to others.

Marta Górna-Wiszniewska – educator, therapist, dance theorist . Teacher of “Świadomości poprzez Ruch” with Feldenkrais Method during her 4-year training in Feldenkrais Instytute in Vienna (start in 2019). She is Austrian Feldenkrais Guild member. Creator of Neuropracownia – place, which supports people in their psychophysical development through delicate work with their body and nervous system. She is using Feldenkrais Method and as well Somatic Expieriencing. Constantly fascinated by how Feldenkrais Method supports and hromonize our bodies.

The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Okólnik 2 St., rhythmics room

Duration: about 2 hours

Charge admission –

Uwaga: metoda szczególnie polecana dla osób powyżej 60 roku życia 

Supporting event organized by Move On Together Israeli Way in cooperation with Nevatim – Jewish Agency in Berlin and the Hillel Polska Foundation

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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