Move On Together Israeli Way – israeli movement techniques workshops: Israeli Folk Dance – run by: Natalia Hakenberg and Miriam Hakenberg |PL|
Israeli Folk Dance being danced by barefoot, jumping and running people, reflect feelings of coming back to homeland. Israeli folk dances has been created through a mixture of cultures to bind people together and unite them with Israel’s identity. They become a symbol of pioneers happiness during their hardships.
![]() | Natalia and Miriam Hakenberg – Miriam and Natalia started their adventure with Israeli dances in 2002 in “Snunit” – the Israeli Dance Group in Warsaw. They fully discovered the connecting nature of Israeli folk by dancing in Poland and abroad. Over time, Israeli dances have become their hobby and a life passion that they want to share with people, their favorite aspect of it is the experience of unity and fellowship with other dancers. They completed instructor training at Tel Aviv University. Since 2013, they have been organizing the Festival of Israeli Dance and Culture “Polin Rokedet – Roztańczona Polska”. |
The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Okólnik 2 St., rhythmics room
Duration: about 2 hours
Charge admission –
Note: parents with children (free entry for children up to 10 years old) and people 60 years of age are welcome
Supporting event organized by Move On Together Israeli Way in cooperation with Nevatim – Jewish Agency in Berlin and the Hillel Polska Foundation