“Let’s hear the Children of the Holocaust” – meeting under the series “Tell me your story” with the representatives of the Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland: Anna Kołacińska-Gałązka, Aleksandra Leliwa-Kopystyńska, Joanna Sobolewska-Pyz

Actors: Tomasz Kocuj, Dorota Liliental, Alina Świdowska will read excerpts from the memories and tell us about their work on the project “Memory Record”

Hosted by: Remigiusz Grzela

Digital archive of the memories of the members of the Association of “Children of the Holocaust” is available at: http://zapispamieci.pl

Yiddish Cultural Center, 15 Andersa St.

To register, until 19 August, please write to: utw@jidysz.org.pl, number of participants is limited


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