Lecture: “Polish Vodka during Jewish holidays” | Andrzej Szumowski

Does Jewish tradition leave any space for vodka drinking at all? Or maybe vodka is drunk only by Polish Jews? The answer is not so simple – hence, the lecture, during which we will not only hear answers to the aforementioned questions but will familiarize with many historic and cultural facts associated with Polish vodka.

The subject will be presented by Andrzej Szumowski – president of Polish Vodka Association, chairman of the Main Board of the Employers Association “Polish Spirit Industry.” As of 2003, he has been appointed the vice-president of the Management Board of Wyborowa S.A., currently, he is also the spokesperson of the Company and the External Affairs Director. His 25-year long professional career started in the Ministry of Economic Cooperation with Abroad, he was also the undersecretary in the Office of European Integration and the advisor to the Head of the Chancellory Office of the President of Poland. A graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw and postgraduate public relations studies in the Warsaw School of Economics.

3/4 Koneser Bar in the Polish Vodka Museum, VIP zone, 4th floor, Praga Koneser Center, 1 Konesera Square

Free admission, a limited number of seats (first comes first in)

Supporting event organized by Polska Wódka Association/ Polish Vodka Museum

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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