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Kwartalnik „Cwiszn”

Cwiszn Quarterly was launched because of the need to refresh the face of Yiddish culture in Poland. The first, double, issue was published in Spring 2010. Fitting in the title space “between” (Yiddish: cwishn), the journal shows the relations between Yiddish and Polish culture, between various historic periods and fields of art. We want to mediate between the old and the current culture, between the culture before the Holocaust and the culture after the Holocaust, before March’68 and after, but also, or maybe firstly, between Yiddish and Polish culture – declared the editor-in-chief, Karolina Szymaniak, in foreword to the first issue.

“Cwiszn” presents not only the subjects connected with remembrance and heritage protection but also the issues that concern contemporary Polish culture. The creators of the journal revaluate archaic views, propose innovative ways of interpretation and revisions of the stereotypes connected with the Jewish culture. With the help of effective program line, the editors of “Cwiszn” were able to include in the “cultural blood system” texts, which were destined to be forgotten.

Each issue is devoted to one subject connected with Yiddish language and culture presenting various aspects in individual parts of the journal, such as: the archive, history, culture, literature, language. There is also a lot of information about current affairs and publications connected with the journal’s profile.

Gołda Tencer, publisher of the quarterly, wrote: I am convinced that this journal has a chance to become completely new, fresh voice in Polish discussion about Yiddish culture. We are able to say that this wish became true. With the help of “Cwiszn” we are able to face the rebirth of Yiddishland – Jewish culture enriched with multiculturalism, modern trends and tradition.

The last issue was published in Spring 2015.