Ładowanie Wydarzenia

The Remembrance March on July 22, 2020

22 lipca 2020 - 21 września

On the 78th anniversary of the commencement of the great liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish Historical Institute and its partners would like to invite everyone to an individual Remembrance March on July 22.

On that day, July 22, 1942, Germans began to deport the residents of the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka.  The brutal liquidation action that lasted almost two months caused the death of over 300,000 Jews. In our ninth March, we will especially commemorate Adam Czerniaków, an educator, activist, and journalist, member of the Warsaw’s Council, a senator in the Second Republic of Poland. In the Warsaw ghetto, he was the president of the Judenrat. On July 23, on the second day of the “deportation”, Adam Czerniaków committed suicide, it was his way of protest and expression of helplessness in the face of the deportations of the ghetto residents, particularly the little orphans.

This year’s March, differently to the previous years, will last not just one day but almost two months, which would be a reference to the duration of the great liquidation.

From July 22 to September 21 this year, you will be able to individually and at your own pace and convenience take the symbolic route “from death to life”, starting at the Umschlagplatz monument and ending at 20 Chłodna Street in Warsaw, by Kamienica pod Zegarem (Clock Townhouse), where Adam Czerniaków lived until his death.


Ribbon campaign:

20 Chłodna Street in Warsaw and the building of the Archeology of Photography Foundation will host a special art installation, Ribbons of Remembrance consisting of the ribbons with the names of murdered Warsaw Jews.

Please write a name on the Ribbon of Remembrance and hang it. Together with the map of the March’s route, they will be available in the following places, during the opening hours of individual institutions:

– Jewish Historical Institute – reception desk
– Jewish Commune in Warsaw
– JCC Warszawa

You can also bring your own ribbons with the names you wrote on them.

The route of the individual March will pass through the following locations and streets: Umschlagplatz (corner of Stawki St. and Dzika St.), Stawki St., Karmelicka St. Anielewicza St, Jana Pawła II Ave., Dzielna St., Smocza St., Nowolipie St., Żelazna St., Chłodna St.

Please, record and document your route and send us your recordings to promocja@jhi.pl. Our idea is to produce a film that would bring all us together in one March. Please, read the necessary information about data processing and the terms and conditions published on the Institute’s website www.jhi.pl.

Please, take photos during your march and share them on social media. Please, use the following hashtags#marszpamięci22lipca #marszpamieci22lipca #wstążkipamięci #wstazkipamieci




The E. Ringelblum  Jewish Historical Institute


Honorary patronage:

Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski


Partners of the July 22 Remembrance March:

Archeology of Photography Foundation

The Jewish Commune in Warsaw

The Society of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland

The Shalom Foundation

Forum For Dialogue

The Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN

JCC Warsaw

Hillel Warsaw

Taube Center for the Renewal of the Jewish Life in Poland Foundation

Warsaw Ghetto Museum

Memory of Treblinka

The Second Generation Association

Association of Children of the Holocaust


This event is financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage as part of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the closing of the Warsaw Ghetto.

This project is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway from the EEA Fund and the national budget.


22 lipca 2020@08:00
21 września 2020@17:00
00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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