“DON’T WORRY, SIR” music and cabaret show presented by the actors of the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw: MONIKA CHRZĄSTOWSKA, EWA DĄBROWSKA, HENRYK RAJFER

Accompaniment: Teresa Wrońska (piano)

Cabarets, scenes, and role-playing. Tuwim, Słonimski, Hemar, Jurandot, Wars, Gold or Petersburski. A long list of authors, lyrics, and music. Hits, hits … and schmonzes (bullocks), which made a stunning career in the interwar years. This is a repertoire to which the actors of the Jewish Thetre take like a duck to water or as they say in Poland: they feel like fish in the water (not to be confused with gefite fish!).

Pieces from different cabaret scenes, by the indisputable masters of the genre, daringly performed by contemporary masters of the “genre” from the Jewish Theatre. Ewa Dąbrowska, Henryk Rajfer i Marek Węglarski, accompanied by Teresa Wrońska. Right at noon!

The Summer Stage of the Jewish Theatre, 35 Senatorska St.

Tickets: 30 PLN, purchases available at: www.ebilet.pl, www.teatr-zydowski.art.pl, in the Audience Office, phone no. +48 22 526 20 34; +48 22 850 64 50 or 51 and in the Jewish Theatre box offices at 35 Senatorska St., phone: +48 22 850 64 35 or in the Club of the Command of Garrison in Warsaw, 141a Niepodległości Ave., phone no.: 22 850 56 56 (for more details, please visit www.shalom.org.pl); seats are not numbered

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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