
ACADEMIC SESSION and BOOK PREMIERE in the Yiddish Cultural Center



THEATRE ALWAYS PERFORMED – academic session celebrating the 70 years of Estera Rachel and Ida Kamińskie Jewish Theatre

Academic Supervisor: Professor Anna Kuligowska-Korzeniewska



11:00-11:15 –Welcome

11:15 AM -11:45 Professor Anna Kuligowska-Korzeniewska (Theatre Academy) – Seventy years after…

11:50-12:45 Mirosława M. Bułat, Ph.D. (Jagielloński University Library) – The secret of Kamińska. The Jewish Theatre in Warsaw and its patron

Fragments of Estera Rachel Kamińska’s memories translated by Mirosława M. Bułat, Ph.D. will be read by Barbara Szeliga – the actress of the Jewish Theatre

12:50 PM -13:20 Professor Eugenia Prokop-Janiec (Jagiellonian University) – The language of the Jewish theatre

1:25 PM -14:00 Professor Daniel Kalinowski (Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk) – Attendance list on Yiddishland’s stage

15:00 -15:30  Jacek Mikołajczyk, Ph.D. (Syrena Theatre) – Musical on the Jewish stage

15:35 -16:00 Professor Shoszana Ronen (Warsaw University) – Hebrew drama in the Israeli literature

16:05-16:35 Małgorzata Lipska, Ph.D. – Famous and unknown Israel reflected in the contemporary Hebrew drama

16:40-17:10 Mieczysław Abramowicz, MA (The National Museum in Gdańsk) – Post-war tides of The Dybbuk

17:10-17:30Summary and closing



Book premiere: Szlojme Zajnwel Rappoport (Szymon An-ski) “Cwiszn cwej weltn, oder der Dibek / Dybuk. Between two worlds” under the supervision of Professor Anna Kuligowska-Korzeniewska

Hosted by: Professor Małgorzata Leyko (University of Łódź)


Yiddish Cultural Center, 15 Andersa St.

To register (until 21 August), please write to: ckj@jidysz.org.pl or call +48 22 409 91 00, a limited number of seats

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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