Jewish Literary Salon – a lecture: “An ordinary Jewish fate. Pedocer – Chołodenko – Hofsztejn – life in the Russian Empire, Ukraine and SSSR” | Bella Szwarcman-Czarnota

Bella Szwarcman-Czarnota – philosopher, translator, editor of “Midrasz” monthly, author of several books, including “Znalazłam wczorajszy dzień (I Have Found Yesterday),” “Mocą przepasały swe biodra (They Girded Their Loins with Power)” and “Cenniejsza niż perły (More Precious Than Any Pearls),” “Księga kobiet – kobiety Księgi (The Book of Women – The Women of the Book),” and the latest one “W poszukiwaniu złotego jabłka. Lider buch – śpiewnik rodzinny (In Search of the Golden Apple. Lider buch – The Family Songbook),” prepared together with Róża Ziątek-Czarnota and Dorota Szwarcman.

Austrian Cultural Forum, 7/9 Próżna St.

Free entry; seats are not numbered

00-099 Warszawa
ul. Senatorska 35
+48 22 620 30 36
+48 22 620 30 37
+48 22 620 30 38
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